Everything you ever wanted to know about supplements but were too confused to ask!

7 min read

Best of health

Nowadays, many of us pop a vitamin pill or two, whether it’s a daily multi, bone-health supplement or one that claims to make our hair and nails glossier. But the sheer number of pills, supplements and options at the chemist and the supermarket can be mind-boggling. Do we really need them in the first place? Eating a healthy, balanced diet is something we should aim for and will always beat supplements. But while the NHS advises that most people should be able to get the nutrients they need by having a varied and balanced diet, it notes that some people may need to take supplements.

‘Supplements aren’t designed to replace foods but they’re a safe, convenient and inexpensive way to fill gaps between nutrient recommendations and whatever your diet is delivering on a particular day,’ says Carrie Ruxton, dietitian at the Health and Food Supplements Information Service (hsis.org). ‘We all have good and bad days as far as our diet goes – it can be affected by illness, stress, work and family pressure, or travel. Most people don’t eat the recommended five daily servings of fruit and veg, which results in, for example, low intakes of potassium and folate. In this case, taking a multivitamin and multimineral supplement can put our minds at ease.’


AThe short answer is yes – but you may not be automatically offered it. ‘With the NHS in its current state, GPs will not routinely offer nutrient checks unless you have specific symptoms

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