You can learn new techniques as you sew the

2 min read

This full-skirted tea dress by Amanda Walker features darts, tucks, pleats and gathers, which all help to create a beautiful and flattering silhouette. The gingham pattern will also disguise any minor imperfections, making this garment a good introduction to shaping techniques. It is important to neaten the edges of woven fabric using an overlocker or zig zag stitch to prevent fraying.

Faith Dress

1 Download the pattern from, then print out and follow the cutting guide. Stitch the darts into the front and back bodice pieces, beginning at the base. Press the darts towards the centre.

2 Create a tuck at each side of the front, pin and stitch along the waistline. Neaten the side and centre-back seam edges. Pin the front and back bodice pieces right sides together, matching the shoulder seams. Stitch together, then press the seam allowance open.

3 Lay the facing on top of the bodice, right sides together, matching the necklines. Pin and stitch around the neckline. Clip the seam allowances around the curve, then understitch on the right side of the facing, close to the seam line.

4 Match the armholes of the bodice, pin and stitch together. Clip the curved seam allowance, then turn to the right side by threading the back bodice parts through the shoulders. Tease out the seam allowance around the neckline and armholes and press flat.

5 Match the front and back bodice side seams, pin and stitch from the base to the underarm, ensuring the armhole seams are open. Press the seam open and fold the facing inside the bodice. Neaten the base edge of the facing. Fold the waistband in half, neaten the folded ends and match the raw edge to the base of the bodice. Pin and sew in place.

stitching within the side panel’s waistband seam allowance using the widest stitch on your machine.

7 Pleat the skirt as indicated on the pattern pieces and secure by stitching along the waist. Gently pull the thread so the width matches that of the bodice, then distribute the gathers evenly across. Pin the skirt and bodice right sides together at the waist with the waistband sandwiched in between. Stitch together and neaten the raw edges.

8 Fold the dress in half lengthways, right sides facing, matching the back seam. Leave the first 53.5cm from the neckline open to accommodate the zip. Sew the remainder of the seam together.

9 Change to a zipper foot. Fold and press the seam allowance of the opening, then open it out and, with the right side facing, place the opened zip face-down, matchin

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