Take a Break Monthly Magazine
26 September 2024
The Take a Break Monthly Magazines are bumper-filled with all the best features from the World's No 1 True Life Weekly. They offer the usual mix of real life stories, pages on health and relationships, fashion and beauty and household tips, plus they're jam-packed with puzzles and competitions with great prizes to be won. With 12 issues a year, they're the perfect treat for Take a Break readers.
...Read moreArticles from this issue

Scone but not forgotten

The smiling assassin

Eating’s cheating

Home, sweet home!

Turn over a new money saving leaf

‘i’m bigger than when i was pregnant’

9 ways to manage your menopause

Take a break…forever!

My fearless flower girl

Sparkly pants and a shewee

5 reasons to visit... caernarfon

Kids these days!