
5 min read

Cable fans will enjoy knitting this richly textured raglan sweater



(written instructions; also shown in chart) Row 1 (RS): P3, K2, (P4, K4) twice, P4, K2, P3. 30 sts. Row 2: K3, P2, (K4, P4) twice, K4, P2, K3. Row 3: P3, K2, (P4, C4F) twice, P4, K2, P3. Row 4: K3, P2, (K4, P4) twice, K4, P2, K3. Rows 5-8: As rows 1-4. Row 9: P3, (T3F, P2, T3B) 3 times, P3. Row 10 and all foll WS rows: Work across 30 sts, knitting all K sts and purling all P sts as they present. Row 11: P4, (T3F, T3B, P2) twice, T3F, T3B, P4. Row 13: P5, (C4F, P4) twice, C4F, P5. Row 15: P4, (T3B, T3F, P2) twice, T3B, T3F, P4.

Row 17: P3, (T3B, P2, T3F) 3 times, P3. Row 19: P3, K2, (P4, C4F) twice, P4, K2, P3. Row 20: K3, P2, (K4, P4) twice, K4, P2, K3. These 20 rows form the Panel.


Using 5mm needles and taking care not to cast on tightly, cast on 88 (96:104:112:120) sts.

Row 1 (RS): K3, (P2, K2) to last st, K1. Row 2: K1, (P2, K2) to last 3 sts, P2, K1.

Rep the last 2 rows until rib measures 6cm, ending after a RS row.

Next row (WS): P3 (3:7:6:6), *M1P, P9 (10:10:11:12); rep from * to last 4 (3:7:7:6) sts, M1P, P to end. 98 (106:114:122:130) sts.

Change to 6mm needles. Row 1 (RS): K4 (8:12:16:20), (P5, K1, TW3, K1) 3 times, work 30 sts from row 1 of Panel, (K1, TW3, K1, P5) 3 times, K4 (8:12:16:20). Row 2: P4 (8:12:16:20), (K5, P5) 3 times, work 30 sts from row 2 of Panel, (P5, K5) 3 times, P4 (8:12:16:20). Row 3: K4 (8:12:16:20), (P5, TW2, K1, TW2) 3 times, work row 3 of Panel, (TW2, K1, TW2, P5) 3 times, K4 (8:12:16:20). Row 4: As row 2 but working row 4 of Panel. Rows 5-20: Rep rows 1-4 four times but working rows 5-20 of Panel. These 20 rows set patt.

Cont in patt until work measures 43 (42:42:40:39) cm from lower edge, measured through centre of work, ending after a WS row.


Rows 1-2: Cast off 4 (3:4:5:6) sts, patt to end. 90 (100:106:112:118) sts.

Row 3: K2, K2tog tbl, patt to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2. 2 sts dec’d. Row 4: K1, P1, P2tog, patt to last 4 sts, P2tog tbl, P1, K1. 2 sts dec’d.

Rows 5-6: As rows 3-4. 4 sts dec’d. Row 7: K2, K2tog tbl, patt to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2. 2 sts dec’d. Row 8: K1, P2, patt to last 3 sts, P2, K1.

Rep rows 3-8 another 3 (4:4:4:4) times. 50 (50:56:62:68) sts.

Now rep rows 7-8 only until 30 (32:34: 36:38) sts rem, ending after a WS row. Slip rem sts to a holder and leave.


Work as Back until 44 (46:50:52:56) sts rem in the raglan shaping, ending after a WS row.