Get savvywith storage

1 min read

How you store your food can not only extend its life, but it will also free-up valuable space in your fridge, freezer and cupboards

Most of us will resonate with having cupboards full of mismatched Tupperware, out of date jars of condiments and half empty packs of pasta. Organising your cupboards is no doubt a job that’s been on your to do list for some time, but tackling it can make a huge difference to your meal planning and food waste. Here’s how…


Start by deciding how you want to store your goods. Labelled Kilner jars work well stacked on open shelving, enabling you to see everything easily, but they might not be the best space-saving option for cupboards. Glass storage containers such as Sistema Brilliance are perfect for storing leftovers – they’re microwavable, freezer-safe and dishwasher proof.


Go through your fridge and cupboards one at a time, recycling any broken tubs and disposing of anything that’s out of date. Give the shelves a good wipe down and you’re ready to start afresh.


Above Take your Mason jars to a local health store for refills.

Make a list of all the nuts, seeds, grains, tinned items, spices and storecupboard staples (such as soy sauce, nutritional yeast, etc) that you use regularly and fill your jars or containers – ideally at your local zero waste stor

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