Warships International Fleet Review Magazine
17 May 2024
ODIN’S EYE: A laser focus on defence is needed as Western naval missile stocks are depleted. RESTORING BRITISH NATIONAL STRATEGY: The future of the Royal Navy depends on UK defence decisively returning to its maritime roots. GHOSTLY DEFENDER OF THE DEEP: Australia’s new robot sub makes its public debut. UNDERSEA WILD WEST: More sheriffs needed under the sea. NAVY CENTRE STAGE IN NORWAY’S PLAN: The Russian threat prompts a defence boost. RETURN OF THE SAINTLY SUB HUNTER: HMS St Albans is heading back to service. FRIGATE’S TRANSATLANTIC ADVENTURE: A NATO exercise for a Canadian warship. BILATERAL BALLISTIC MISSILE SHOOT: Two navies carry out a Hawaii exercise. HISTORY’S BIGGEST AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT: And which inspires military planners to this day.
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