Warships International Fleet Review Magazine
17 January 2025
ODIN’S EYE: European NATO is in the last chance saloon to deter future war and be ready to fight if necessary. The UK must show some leadership via its Defence Review. IF YOU WANT PEACE PREPARE FOR WAR: UK Defence Review could be more gruel today with jam tomorrow. DEFENCE AMBITION COLLIDING WITH FISCAL REALITIES: A survey of some of the UK SDR’s tricky aspects. THE BATTLE OF SWEDEN’S WIND FARMS: Concerns about naval security risks of Baltic renewables. FIREPOWER BOOST FOR AUSTRALIAN NAVY: HMAS Brisbane launches a Tomahawk missile. FRENCH CARRIER TASK GROUP DEPLOYED: Marine Nationale on a far-ranging mission. RUSSIAN NAVY’S SYRIAN RETREAT: Moscow’s forces withdraw and the Syrian Navy is obliterated. COLD WAR WARRIOR NEARS END OF DAYS: A profile of Russia’s Victor Class attack submarines.
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