Warships International Fleet Review Magazine
21 March 2025
ODIN’S EYE: The USA has turned away from the Atlantic Alliance, a move that has shocked European NATO. NEW ERA DEMANDS A DIFFERENT DETERRENT: The UK’s Trident force may well have to change. TRUMP’S ZERO SUM GAME: In abandoning allies the USA will lose a lot. UK DETERRENT UNDER THREAT: The UK’s sea-based Trident force needs US support. BRITAIN PERFORMS BADLY: ...when it comes to getting ‘bang for buck’ in Defence. ROYAL MARINES’ EVOLUTION IS PRECARIOUS: The loss of LPDs and a wait for new ships puts the UK Commando Force transformation under threat. SSN VERSUS SPY SHIP: A dramatic episode illustrates a lot of work is needed to convey the case for UK maritime defence. TREASURY & DEFENCE MINISTRY BATTLE: The struggle for supremacy during the 1997 Defence Review offers lessons for today. SPECTRE OF PIRACY & SEABORNE TERRORISM: The threat to safety on the Suez sea route remains. INTERVIEW: TURKISH NAVAL FORCES BOSS: Part one of a fascinating discussion. GLOBAL SUCCESS FOR THE SEA KING: Part two of our farewell to a remarkable helicopter. SAFE HAVEN FOR WOODEN WALL WARSHIP: A remarkable Age of Sail survivor in Scotland. COLD WAR SUBMARINE CAPTAIN’S EPIC TRAIL: Obituary of an undersea warrior.
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