Warships International Fleet Review Magazine
21 June 2024
ODIN'S EYE: Stark choices on Defence lie ahead for the next government of the United Kingdom. ACHIEVING A MORE LETHAL ROYAL NAVY: Creating a bigger, harder hitting UK fleet. MEET THE MANTA RAY DRONE : A new uUncrewed undersea vehicle for the US Navy. SWEDEN’S NATO NAVAL REVOLUTION: What the future holds for a leading Baltic navy. THREATS IN THE ‘SOUTHERN NEIGHBOURHOOD’: The Atlantic Alliance must win people over. RSS INIMITABLE COMPLETES A FOUR-PACK: Singapore’s new submarine is named and launched. STEEP DECLINE OF VITAL SUPPORT FLEET: Britain’s global naval presence is undermined. FIRST OF THE ANZACS BOWS OUT: Frigate was famed for fire mission during the Iraq War. PATROL SHIPS HIT BULLSEYE IN INDO-PACIFIC: Two forward deployed RN vessels do good work. MYSTERY CRAFT DELIVER STEALTHY ATTACKS: A survey of some leading Swimmer Delivery Vehicles. SEA HARRIER ‘TOP GUN’ WHO WAS A FEARLESS ADVOCATE: The jet-propelled life of the legendary Sharkey Ward. D-DAY 80 TODAY’S COMMANDOS IN TRIBUTE: Green berets salute heroic forebears. SEA CONTROL MADE INVASION POSSIBLE: The basis of victory was to control the oceans. THE LONGED-FOR LIBERATION: A French perspective on the Normandy landings. OLD BATTLEWAGONS & CONCRETE CAISSONS: The pivotal role of artificial harbours in Allied success. VITAL ROLE OF BATTLING CANADIANS: Fierce Channel fights for the Royal Canadian Navy. THEY ALSO SERVED: Two warships that did their bit off the beaches.
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