Warships International Fleet Review Magazine
19 July 2024
ODIN’S EYE: Russia and North Korea form a new Axis to defeat the West in global struggle. SWEDES TO THE FORE AND GERMANS LEAD: Reports and photos from various NATO exercises. NEW COLD WAR CHESS GAME: Intriguing episodes in the N. Atlantic and Caribbean. ‘HELLSCAPE’ TO BE UNLEASHED: Should China invade Taiwan swarms of drones will be unleashed to wear its forces down. TEAMWORK FOR SPAIN’S NEW SUB: Sea trials progress with help from a frigate. SUBSEA DEFENCES MORE IMPORTANT: UK defence needs less emphasis on carriers. ACTION-PACKED VOYAGE: A series of exercises off South America for the US Navy carrier USS George Washington. THE STORY OF A HEROIC DOG: A courageous hound that was a WW2 POW. END OF DAYS FOR THE ‘GRAND OLD LADY’: Review of a new book on a famous battleship.
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