Warships International Fleet Review Magazine
15 November 2024
ODIN’S EYE: Carriers send a strong message to Russia while UK submarine service goes hungry. CHAGOS ISLANDS ‘GIVEAWAY’: Diego Garcia will remain the ‘Footprint of Freedom.’ ‘SHADOW FLEET’ HELPS RUSSIA : How Moscow is circumventing maritime sanctions. CHIEFS DIVE INTO UNDERWATER REALM: Report from a major summit of top brass in Venice. NEUTRAL ISLAND STATE’S NAVY : Interview with the boss of Malta’s naval forces. TRIO EXERCISE OFF SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa hosts Brazilian and Indian warships. BIG DECK POWER PROJECTION: NATO exercises from the North Sea to the Mediterranean have carriers to the fore. REDUNDANT UK AUXILIARY FLEET GROWS: More and more UK supply vessels are out of service. USN BOSS POSTPONES BIGGER NAVY: Sea control capabilities are to be the thing. BLACK SEA DRONE WARFARE: It is showing the shape of things to come. HITTING HARDER FROM FURTHER AWAY: A milestone for the UK’s new Sea Venom missile. WESTERN EUROPE’S LAST WW2 D-DAY: Daring commandos storm ashore to unblock Antwerp. FROM LOWER DECK TO ADMIRAL’S FLAG: An interview with naval novelist Julian Stockwin.
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