Warships International Fleet Review Magazine
20 December 2024
ODIN’S EYE: As a new round of defence cuts see warships and fleet tankers axed we wonder if UK politicians understand the value of a properly balanced and resourced navy. TRUMP WILL FACE HARD BATTLE: Returning POTUS will find it hard to expand the US Navy. EUROPE MUST LEARN ‘THE ART OF THE DEAL’: To save the Alliance and Ukraine the UK and NATO will be dealing with a transactional returning US President. PAKISTAN NAVY CHARTS ITS OWN COURSE: Our Big Interview with the boss of the PN. UK DEFENCE FORCES WEAKER THAN IN 2014: A top academic provides a blunt verdict. SHIP PROFILE: ITS PAOLO THAON DI REVEL: The Italian Navy’s cutting-edge patrol vessel. FUTURE PROOFING FLEETS: The final part of our latest series on drone warfare. HISTORY IN THE MAKING: Japan is creating surface battle groups as its navy conducts trials with F-35B jets off California. UK AXES WARSHIPS IN LATEST CUTS: Even before a defence review is complete, Britain’s government decides to reduce the size of the navy. LAND-BASED BALLISTIC MISSILE DESTROYERS: A look at two vital European naval facilities. UK COMMANDOS FIND NEMO: Royal Marines and RFA Lyme Bay in African waters.
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