7 signs your headache is serious

2 min read

Knowing what to look out for could help stop any needless worrying


The clinic

Headaches are extremely common – in fact, I would hedge a bet that most people reading this have experienced one at some point in their lives. Some of you may even have one right now, or feel that one is on its way. And, if you’re paranoid that it’s serious, you’re not alone. I see many patients with headaches in my surgery and they’re often concerned about the same thing – whether it means that they have a brain tumour. Thankfully, brain tumours are far less common than headaches. And most headaches are short-lasting and have a benign cause.

The flu or a fever can cause a headache. Perhaps you’ve experienced one from being hungover, or from dehydration after a day outside in hot weather? It could be due to eye strain, after spending too long working at a screen, or because you need glasses or your glasses prescription needs changing. So, if you have recurrent headaches, it’s worth getting your eyes checked.

Other causes of headache include infections, such as sinusitis, or allergic conditions, such as hay fever. A lack of sleep or even stress can cause them. Issues with posture, or tension in the neck and shoulders can also lead to headaches, as the muscles of the neck and shoulders come up over the head rather like the hood on a wetsuit – everything connects and can lead to tension headaches. Dental issues can also cause headaches, so don’t forget to see your dentist.

Some people will have more regular headaches, for example in the lead up to their period. Medication can cause headaches as a side effect, and even painkiller medication, often taken to relieve headaches, can, if used frequently, lead to medication overuse headache, where the medication is worsening the problem.

So, how can you differentiate between a headache which is benign and one which needs

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