How to stay young

3 min read

Want to put ‘old on hold’ and be healthy for longer? Of course you do! These clever tricks can help

It may be common knowledge that smoking, drinking excessively and being inactive speeds up the ageing process, but other factors can make a huge difference, too. ‘It’s inevitable that we will age, yet how well and at what rate is a factor we have more control over than we think,’ says functional nutritionist Pauline Cox*. Discover the easy tweaks you can make to look and feel younger.

Eat good fats

Consuming more olive oil, leafy greens and oily fish could be an age-buster. ‘Reducing omega-6 fatty acids (found in vegetable oils and processed foods such as pastries and biscuits) and increasing your omega-3s can help to reduce inflammation in the body and create a healthy, robust immune system,’ says Pauline.

Look up

Find yourself often hunched over your phone, squinting at the screen? Fine lines can form over years of repeated motions, so if you’re looking down at your smartphone and your eyesight isn’t what it used to be, you could be adding on the years. Reducing time spent on your device could help turn back the clock. But if you do need to use your phone, make sure you hold it at eye level, make the text larger if necessary and have regular eye tests.

Use the three-minute rule

Get maximum bang for your buck by using your moisturising products within three minutes of getting out of the shower or bath. You’ll seal in some of the hydration from the water before it evaporates, helping your skin to develop that youthful glow.

Bathe in sound

A sound bath is a holistic healing experience where you listen to soothing sound waves produced by gongs, singing bowls and percussion instruments. ‘The frequency and vibrations affect our brain and body on a cellular level and can clear toxins, aid sleep and reduce stress and anxiety that cause us to age quicker,’ says DJ Goldierocks***. Look for local classes or search for a free YouTube session.

Manage the menopause

Struggling with symptoms? ‘Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the gold-standard treatment,’ says Dr Louise Newson****. Not only do many women find that they feel calmer, happier and more energised once they start HRT, but it’s also thought to help maintain smoother and younger looking skin. Chat to your GP about whether it’s suitable for you.

Chill in the shower

The thought of switching from warm water to cold in your shower might make you shiver before you

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