The clinic

2 min read


What NOT to lie to your GP about

While many of the questions we ask can seem downright nosy, there are plenty of reasons why you should tell the truth…

Show me someone who hasn’t once told a white lie to their GP and I’ll show you someone who is probably telling you a white lie! Even healthcare staff, as patients, can get drawn into not wanting to upset their GP or ‘get in trouble’ or are worried about feeling judged. But there are genuine reasons for our intrigue.


Let’s start with medications. If you’re taking supplements, over-the-counter medications or medications supplied by someone else, they may interact with something we prescribe. This could stop prescribed medication working or make you seriously unwell. Blood-thinning medications and some antidepressants are particularly known for not mixing well with common herbal supplements. Although I’d never recommend taking other people’s prescribed medications, I’m not going to call the police if you do.

Plus, asking us to work with only half the story is potentially dangerous. Becoming addicted to prescription or illicit drugs can happen to anyone. GPs aren’t here to judge; we’re here to help. If you ever feel judged, vote with your feet and find a GP you feel comfortable being honest with.

It’s estimated that half of patients with chronic conditions do not take their medications as prescribed. Sometimes we can tell that the prescriptions haven’t been issued for months; other times, patients will tell us they are taking them but their blood work or blood pressure won’t agree. But if you do tell us, then we can look at alternatives together.


If I had £1 for every time a patient rolled their eyes at me when I asked them about their smoking and drinking habits I’d be a very rich woman by now. You may feel embarrassed or be in denial, but being honest about your habits can help us to frame your symptoms in context and ens

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