Think yourself thin

2 min read

Slimming could be as easy as channelling your mind



Dieting can feel like a mind game. Being in a constant state of deprivation is often just as much a mental struggle as a physical one. Really, there’s nothing like wanting that chocolate biscuit when you know you can’t have it! But without sounding all airy-fairy, you could use your mind to stay on track and shed those extra pounds. Here’s how your brain power could help you get your waist back…

Better than a jab

The latest diet craze is semaglutide, aka Ozempic or Wegovy, but this drug isn’t suitable for everyone, warns clinical hypnotherapist Juls Abernethy. It stops working soon after you finish taking it and, adds Juls, even the medication manufacturers say you’ll need to create behaviour changes to keep the weight off.

Then there are the side effects – nausea, bloating, constipation. No, thanks. Instead, we’re rather taken with the ‘hypno-jab’. This natural, needle- and medication-free way of losing weight involves listening to a 30-minute guided hypnosis (which doesn’t cost a penny, by the way) to help you change your approach to eating. It’s low-risk and without side effects because you – not drugs – are doing the work.

✱ Want to give it a try? Download the hypnosis for free at

Quit snacking instantly

Can’t stop reaching for unhealthy snacks throughout the day? Here’s an easy technique from Rory Z Fulcher, founder of…

THINK BACK to when you had strong willpower, close your eyes and remember everything you can about it.

Intensify these feelings to make it all as vivid as possible in your mind.

ONCE YOU’RE SURE those positive feelings are at the highest peak, set your ‘anchor’ – a physical action, such as squeezing your right thumb to your right ring finger.

RELEASE YOUR FINGERS and forget the memory. Take a moment to clear your head, then do it again with a different positive memory. Repeat five times. Once you’ve set an anchor, if you find yourself in a positive state, such as not snacking, use your anchor again. Focus on happy feelings and squeeze your fingers together. This will add this experience to your anchor. The more times you ‘recharge’ your anchor, the more effective it is.

Did you know?

Arguably, the reason hypnosis works so well is because women, in particular, tend to have an emotional

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