Weight to go!

2 min read

We take a look at some of the most impressive celebrity body transformations



Strictly judge Motsi has always battled with her body image, having previously admitted, ‘As a professional dancer, my weight was a constant struggle.’ Yet while she added, ‘I’ll never get to the stage where I think I look great,’ after joining WeightWatchers – and losing 2st 2lb – the star is much happier with her shape. ‘For me it works… because you can integrate it into your daily life. I can have my chocolate and I’m still losing weight.’

Motsi, 43, also has a personal trainer who helps keep her motivated to work out, but maintains, ‘A healthy mind, body and soul is more important to being thin.’ Amen to that!


Aussie actor Rebel famously shed almost 6st during her ‘year of health’ in 2020. ‘I knew I was engaging in unhealthy behaviours and wanted to change,’ she admitted, adding, ‘I think I was emotional eating, and overeating at times.’ So, when acting work dried up during the pandemic, Rebel, 44, focused on healthy eating and exercising regularly.

‘[I] exercise[d] for about two hours – one hour with a trainer focused on strength and conditioning, and one hour doing my own cardio,’ she recalled.

When it came to diet, the Pitch Perfect star cut the amount of calories she was consuming, upped her protein and steered clear of sugar and fast food. ‘I’ve really changed to eating a high-protein diet, which is challenging because I didn’t used to eat a lot of meat,’ she said. However, Rebel maintains that no food is off limits and everything is allowed in moderation. ‘I have this state of being, which is not my quote, but I go “Nothing is forbidden.”’


This Morning’s Josie has been open about her body battles, admitting that ‘how I handle stress is I eat’. But after deciding to prioritise her health, the star lost 6st within a year

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