Can stress keep you young?

3 min read

Feeling frazzled? Turns out, the right kind of stress could help you stay youthful


Worries about a dwindling bank balance, family pressures and health concerns can soon build up – leaving us feeling at capacity and overwhelmed. So it’s no wonder that stress is considered a negative aspect of life that’s linked to a range of problems, from depression and insomnia to high blood pressure and heart disease. But in small doses, scientists believe that certain stressors could help fight the physical and mental decline that comes with ageing. Keen to get the benefits? Here’s how positive stress could help your body and mind...

Stress isn’t all bad

When we talk about stress, we often dwell on its damaging effects. ‘However, there’s actually a healthy type of stress known as eustress,’ says mental health specialist Ray Sadoun from OK Rehab. He explains that eustress is the ‘stress’ we feel when we get an adrenaline rush – such as when riding a roller coaster or getting married. ‘Physically, the sensations of anxiety and excitement are the same, so the only difference between good and bad is that you perceive the latter as negative and therefore it causes you to worry,’ says Ray.

Roll back the years

But can this ‘good’ stress really make you look younger? ‘Yes,’ says Ray. ‘Eustress can slow down the ageing process as it protects against oxidative damage. Some of my youngest-looking patients are the biggest thrill seekers, so this comes as no shock to me.’ This is because regular exposure to mild stressors causes a response in the body, which then builds up the body’s defence systems, such as brain, immune and muscle function, that would otherwise decline as we age.

Turn things around

One source of ‘bad stress’ that is well within our control is worry or ‘ruminating’ – when we fixate on the same problem again and again.

Identifying what you can and can’t control will help. Worrying about that big family party that you’ve agreed to host? ‘Be as prepared as you can be to influence the outcome,’ says stress management expert and psychologist Sue Firth. ‘And de-construct what’s stressing you out into tiny, achievable tasks.’ Prep the day before, but accept that things may change on the day – and that’s OK.

Get your daily dose

While simply feeling frazzled won’t help you look younger, incorporating these ‘good’ stressors into your day-to-day life could work wonders against the ageing process...


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