Your belly-busting workout

1 min read

These stomach-crunching moves will give you a trimmer, toned tum

Try these exercises to work all your core muscles. Complete the full set at least three times a week – start with 10 reps of each move, or less if this is difficult at first.

Who’s in need of a belly blitz? A strong core not only looks good, but can prevent poor posture, lower back pain and muscle injuries – and the good news is that achieving a more toned stomach and a slimmer waist is easier than you think. Combine our tummy-tightening moves with regular cardio workouts to help improve muscle mass and burn fat. After all, there’s no point having strong abs if you can’t see them. Now, let’s get started...

7 simple moves to slim your middle

1 Toe taps

Lie on your back and bend your knees so they form 90-degree angles and your calves are parallel to the floor (table-top position). Lower your left foot, tap the floor and lift it back up to the start position. Switch legs and repeat.

Move slowly to target every section of your abs.

2 Leg curls

Lift both legs so they are straight up in the air. Lower your left leg, so it hovers just above the ground. Raise it back up and repeat with your right leg.

3 Elbow/knee crunch

Lie flat with your hands behind your head and legs in tabletop position. Engage your core to lift your torso off the ground and reach your right elbow towards your left leg. Return to the start position, then repeat on the other side.

4 Plank

Lie face-down on a mat, with your forearms down on either side of your head. Push your body up off the floor, so you��

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