Dawn harper ask the doctor

2 min read

Doctor Dawn Harper answers all your questions

INJECTIONS TO INCREASE ENERGY Q Last month, I was feeling exhausted all the time. My GP arranged some blood tests, which showed I was low in vitamin B12, and they arranged a series of injections. I’ve had a further blood test, which shows my levels are now normal. I forgot to ask if I can swap to oral B12 supplements now. I hate injections!

A When your GP discovered your B12 was low, the lab would have tested to see if you produce intrinsic factor antibodies. These prevent you from absorbing B12 from your gut. If you call your surgery, they will tell you if you have these antibodies. If you don’t, your GP will likely be happy for you to switch to oral supplements.

Is he going deaf ? Q My husband and I are concerned about his hearing. He works away from home and does a lot of entertaining. He says he often struggles to hear what clients are saying if they are in a noisy restaurant. I’m also aware that I have to raise my voice a lot when we are talking. I rang our surgery to ask them to refer him for a hearing test and they are saying he needs to be seen first. Is this really necessary? He would have to take a whole day out of his diary.

A I’m afraid it’s important that he is seen as the doctor or nurse will need to examine his ears and check that his problems are not because of a build-up of ear wax. If the ear canals are clear, they would refer him for a hearing test called an audiogram.

WILL A DOCTOR AGREE TO THE OP? Q Our daughter is 27 years old and told us at the weekend that she and her partner have decided they don’t want children. She is seeing her GP this week to ask for a referral for a sterilisation. I’m devastated. Is this something they would do on the NHS at such a young age when she hasn’t had any children? It all just feels so final. A Female s

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