Is it ever ok to lie about your age?

2 min read

Kaye Adams has done it, and even Mel B jokes that she doesn’t believe friend Geri Horner is 51. We ask...



YES‘It doesn’t do any harm’

Victoria Featherstone Pearce, 53.

Working as a model and actor, I know better than anyone how judgemental society can be when it comes to age. Even when I was 30, I was already losing out on a lot of acting roles and modelling jobs because I was deemed ‘too old’. And that’s even more frustrating when I know I look much younger than my years anyway.

Although I’d never lie on my actual CV or on something like a dating app, I think the occasional white lie when it comes to age, to get ahead, is no big deal.

These days, women often look so much younger than their years, because they take good care of themselves, and they feel a lot younger than they actually are, too – I know I do. A lot of people might have an idea in their mind of what a 50-plus woman should look like, but often the reality is that they look much younger, and I don’t usually fit that image either. So, despite being 53, I sometimes say I’m 45 to get invited to castings. But if I get the job, I always tell the truth afterwards, and I’ve not had any issues so far.

Perhaps one day society will be less judgemental, but until then, occasionally lying about your age does no harm. ✣ Victoria is the co-founder of dog charity

NO‘Wear it like a badge of pride’

Neela Prabhu, 46, lives with her husband Ganesh, 51, and daughters Jasmine, 15, and Karishma, 10.

When people ask how old I am, I tell them the truth. I’m 46 and very proud to be.

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