Sabrina ghayour

3 min read

Happily planted in Yorkshire, Sabrina shares the food love

 An easy and delicious recipe to try.
Photo: Kris Kirkham

April has always seemed like a quiet month along with May, but this year things feel very different. I sometimes feel like the world is busier than ever and how will we ever catch up? With bills and cost of living on the rise, we are all forced to adapt and make good, and so I find myself using the quieter months of April and May to plan the second half of the year.

This year has also turned out to be a year of reflection for me so far and for many different reasons. Whilst personally I don’t like to look backwards in life, I find myself needing to take a reassuring glance back at all I’ve achieved in order to remind myself of what I can do and summon the strength I need to move forward and do whatever else it is I need to do.

Do you ever do that? Just totally forget what you’re capable of because you feel like you were trying to keep your head above water? I guess it’s not such a bad idea to look back sometimes. Stop, take a deep breath and remind yourself what you are capable of – along with the things you no longer want to do or put up with.

Reflection aside, for me this year is about getting things done and ‘ask and ye shall receive’. Whilst my friends think me to be a bubbly and confident type, I am far more comfortable asking people for things for other people, rather than myself.

That said, in the interest of moving into new directions, I feel this year is a great one for pushing for ward, without fear, and asking for opportunities, throwing seeds in the wind and seeing where they land.

Also key is taking time to stop, breathe, rest, recharge then re-asses and move forward. We’re not machines, we are not designed to just keep going endlessly and without pause, we do need to look at what’s happening and make judgement calls as to what needs to stop and change and then switch gears in order to move forward safely.

My first big hurdle this month is building work!

Along-overdue loft conversion is finally starting and so convenience is the order of the day when it comes to cooking.

Simple, quick and tasty meals are all I want and this one is one of my favourite recipes from Sirocco, Loqmeh (it means mouthful!), a meal in minutes and tasty to boot.

Just because we’re busy, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make time for eating right and here is a very good start.

Loqmeh (Mouthful) Spiced Lamb Kebabs

Who doesn’t love a kebab? These are really easy to make and can be served as a starter, finger food or as a main meal. To assemble the kebabs, the meat and accompa