
1 min read

FOLLOWING THE EXCESSES of the festive season — or even too much time spent in front of the TV — the New Year is inevitably the time when most horse enthusiasts set resolutions to do new things. That is why the theme of this issue is ‘New year, new you’, because the weeks before the onset of spring offer the perfect opportunity to perhaps sign up for a new equestrian sport, try a different training schedule, or simply work to improve your own technique in the saddle. With that in mind, we bring you the first part of a new series with Rider Cise® founder Clare Gangadeen, who explains the importance of core and how to strengthen it (page 30), which in itself is something that is so simple to do but at the same time it is incredibly transformative. With more exercises coming up in future issues of your favourite magazine, why not take out a subscription to ensure that you don’t miss a single one (shop.kelsey. co.uk/your-horse-magazine).

While a stronger, more honed core and body will make riding sessions more comfortable for the horse, a positive mindset is key to progress, too. Emily Catford, a sport scientist who specialises in mental toughness and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), joins our Ask the Experts panel and tackles subjects including subjects the fragility of our perceived ability if we compare ourselves to other riders; compromising the vagus nerve if we are overdoing the great juggle with family, work and horses (sound familiar?), and perception is projection. Sh