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2 min read

news & views

Wonderful dad

£50 Star letter

I loved your real life feature about Mark Pendred and his little girl Mia (issue 23), who has Down’s syndrome – what a wonderful, caring dad he is. I felt so proud hearing him describe what an amazing little human being she is. I wish them all the best. Mrs J M Buxton, Mansfield

Shock split

I can’t help but be shocked to hear about what’s happened to Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford (issue 24). They always seemed like such a secure couple. Of course, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors, but it’s sad to see it break down so publicly. I hope they manage to stay friends. Louise Lane, Cowes

Talking point

Photos: Shutterstock, Getty

A married man has caused outrage online by revealing shared ‘naughty texts’ with a female colleague and admitting they have ‘virtual sex’. So, we ask, does a virtual affair count as cheating?

I would not be happy at all if I found out my husband was doing such a thing. I feel it would be the first stage before doing it in real life.

Katherine Moore, via Facebook

I agree with the view that bonds formed online are not always real. It’s just a little flirtation. It makes the world go round! Anon, via email

I can imagine older people might be upset by this, but young people are much calmer.

It’s really not that big of a deal.

Yvette Smith, via Facebook

Honestly, if it feels like cheating, you’re lying about it, and someone else is involved… sounds like cheating to me! Adrienne K, via Facebook

THIS WEEK Bella LOVES... Chapel Down

Summer may be a bit of a damp squib so far, but we can at least celebrate lighter evenings and getting out and about – and Chapel Down sparkling wine is the perfect accompaniment. An English special, grown in Kent, it’s crisp, gorgeous, and feels like summer, even if it’s not outside!

Priced at £30 a bottle, and available at most major supermarkets nationwide, it’s not the cheapest, but it feels like a real treat. We recommend!

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