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delicious world.

★ Subject: The silence in between From: Clare Langan


I loved your article about music in restaurants [Feb]. I’m a musician and I find that having music playing while I try to enjoy a meal and conversation is distracting. Rather like biting into Proust’s madeleine, music triggers powerful memories for many people, and I don’t always want to be reminded of things music brings up. I can choose not to eat something on a menu for this reason but, as for the music, I have no control over it.

Today, silence generally isn’t valued. An absence of sound at a meal can be uncomfortable for many but, as Mozart said: “Music is not in the notes but in the silence between.” As in life, when we can embrace quiet we heighten all the other senses, and I treasure music too much for it to be pushed to the background.

Subject: It’s hard to tolerate From: Lesley Foxton

I concur with George Egg on flaky eaters [Talking Point, Feb]. My husband and I have run restaurants all our working lives and encountered many a food intolerance or allergy. Fair enough. But a diner once told me emphatically she couldn’t have dairy under any circumstances. Starter and main course were carefully adjusted. She then asked for a chocolate pot, so I explained it wasn’t dairy free. “Oh that’s all right,” she said, “I can have it – I’ve been good.”

Subject: Number one mum From: Abi Ellis

Finally some ideas for putting sourdough discard to good use [Feb]. It’s always been a bugbear of mine, as the starter is like a child that needs constant feeding, and when trying to use good quality flour, the cost is not inconsequential. My kids love waffles, so I can incorporate the sourdough waffles into our weekly routine and earn myself some mum points too!

Subject: Let food bring joy! From: Karen Morton

I moved to England from the US 11 years ago and your magazine has helped me learn to cook in this country and appreciate ingredients that are new to me. Over the years I’ve tried and enjoyed many unfamiliar things, such as crumpets or pork belly. At 81, I’ve become conscious of squeezing every bit of pleasure out of life. You’ve got to eat anyway, so why not make it wonderful? Thanks for the monthly boost.

Subject: Sensational sourdough From: Susan Eastham

Covid left me with no taste and no sense of smell. It’s been so disheartening. But I thought I’d give making sourdough bread a try. I fed the starter and watched it grow until I could use it. To my d

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