Hang tight

1 min read


The dead hang is a simple but highly effective exercise for both postural health and upper-body strength

Photography: Shutterstock

TikTok is one of the few things growing faster than health problems related to sedentary lifestyles. While some TikTok trends are unhelpful or even harmful (‘dry scooping’ protein powder, for instance), one that can only have a positive impact is the rise of the ‘dead hang’.

This is an exercise that simply involves hanging from a bar for a certain amount of time. While it might sound easy, it is actually a remarkably effective way to build upper-body and grip strength. It also helps to stretch out the shoulders and decompress the spine, both of which can be especially beneficial for people who spend long hours sitting at desks.

Dead right

The dead hang is a low-impact exercise that can be carried out by people of all ages and fitness levels. It’s also easy to modify to make it easier or harder. Beginners, for instance, might start with a shorter hang time and gradually work their way up to longer periods. More advanced practitioners might add weight to the exercise or incorporate other movements, such a

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