25 ways to boost your mental health

11 min read


From moderating social media use to changing the way you work, the following expert-led advice will help you protect, understand and improve your mental health in 2024

01 Rise and shine

Getting up and out of the house can be a challenge in winter. However, a range of studies – including research from Helen Burgess PhD at the University of Michigan’s Sleep and Circadian Research Laboratory – has shown that exposing yourself to daylight in the morning has a profound effect on mental wellbeing. That’s because the ganglion cells in our eyes can detect which time of day it is, with morning light telling the body that a new circadian rhythm is starting. Circadian rhythms tell our body what time of day it is, preparing us for daytime and letting us know when it’s time to sleep.

“We’re now in a happy place where science backs up folklore,” says counsellor Clair Morrow. “We’ve always known going outside is good for us and now we know why. Often, our mood problems at this time of year are attributable to a lack of light and natural light has been shown to be the single best help.”

02 Exercise early

New research published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology has turned the idea of a post-work stress-busting workout on its head. Instead, participants were asked to exercise in the morning, before work. Results showed that it helped reframe stress, turning perceived threats into challenges. This doesn’t have to be an hour-long gym session, either. Walking or cycling to work were found to be just as effective.

03. Take five

“The science-backed benefits of meditation are far-reaching, and engaging in just a few moments of meditation can have positive effects on our mental, physical and emotional health,” says Dr Sophie Mort, Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health Expert at online meditation service and app, Headspace. “One study showed that eight weeks of Headspace resulted in a 19% decrease in anxiety symptoms. Other commonly known positive side effects of meditation are that it can increase our awareness, compassion, instil a sense of calm in our minds and bodies, and improve our focus.”

Mort adds that developing a meditation habit can help rewire our brains and develop positive thought patterns: “It can help us to shift our mindset and perspective, so that we can navigate our negative emotions by viewing them as temporary.”

04. Jot it down

Writing down your thoughts, feelings and everyday activities is known to have powerful mental health benefits. A 2018 Pennsylvania State University study found that those who tried Positive Affect Journalling (PAJ) – writing down things they were grateful for, what they loved about themselves and challenges they had overcome – showed signs of less anxiety and depression after just one month. Resil

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