A mental spring clean

3 min read


As we approach spring, now is the perfect time to declutter your mind. Here’s how to feel better and be more productive

Back in January, you might have made an ambitious list of New Year’s resolutions, promising yourself that this year you would exercise more, eat better and clean your house more regularly.

While making resolutions for self-improvement can be a great idea, there is one thing which is more important than any resolution you will make – protecting your peace.

It’s great to get into good habits… but not at the expense of your peace of mind.

As winter comes to an end, it’s time to do a mental spring clean. Step back and evaluate how you’re spending your time, and make sure you’re prioritising your wellbeing.

Carve Out Time For Yourself

Sit down at the start of each week and review what’s coming up in your calendar. Make sure you schedule in some relaxation time for yourself, whether that’s one or two evenings in the week to have a candlelit bath, give yourself a manicure, read a book or watch your favourite film. Write it down in your diary so it’s non-negotiable. You wouldn’t cancel plans with a friend for no good reason, so don’t cancel plans with yourself! Mental health charity Mind points out that taking time to relax gives you a mental break from any stresses you might have, allowing you to refocus. This will help you to be the best version of yourself throughout the week.

Allow Yourself To Be Spontaneous

Drop everything for some fun!

It’s great to be in a good routine. However, spontaneity is important too. Spontaneity reduces stress, boosts creativity and improves confidence. A study in Sage Journals revealed that spontaneous social plans are often enjoyed more than scheduled plans, as they make socialising feel less rigid. So, if a friend asks you to join them for dinner at the last minute and you had promised yourself you would clean the house or go for a run, don’t feel guilty about ditching your routine to have fun.

Clear Mental Clutter

Journalling is a great way to declutter your mind. You might be feeling tense or stressed, but you can’t quite figure out why. Spend 10 minutes at the end of each day jotting your thoughts down on paper. Read back the week’s pages at the weekend and see if you notice any recurring worries which could be impacting on your wellbeing. By noticing patterns, you can pinpoint exactly what might be causing you to feel stressed and

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