A web of lies

5 min read

The pressure to be the cream of the crop was enough to drive Jennifer Pan insane…

Devoting her life to her studies, Jennifer Pan was known for being a highly successful, straight-A student.

Her father, Huei Hann Pan, and mother, Bich Ha Pan, had insisted that would be the case.

Arriving in Toronto as refugees from Vietnam, Huei had given up everything to move to Canada, so that his children could have a better way of life.

However, by making this sacrifice, it meant that he expected Jennifer to always be at the top of her class.

It was a strict upbringing, but Huei only wanted the best for his beloved children.

And Jennifer was the golden child.

Excelling from a young age, Jennifer’s future seemed bright, too.

Accepted into Ryerson University, she spent two years there studying science.

She’d even managed to get an impressive £3,000 scholarship there. And then, she transferred to the renowned University of Toronto to study pharmacology, just like her father had always wanted.

After her studies, she managed to bag herself a job testing blood at SickKids Hospital, too.

It was everything that her parents had ever wanted for her – and at 24 years old, Jennifer was thriving.

However, on 8 November 2010, a distressed 911 call was made from the Pan family’s home address.

‘Help me please, I need help. I don’t know where my parents are,’ Jennifer pleaded with the call handler. ‘Some people broke into our house and stole all this money. I could hear my parents yelling. Please help.’

With officers arriving at the scene, that’s when they discovered ‘something they had never seen before’.

After a decade of deceit, her lies finally caught up with her...
They only wanted the best for her

Jennifer had been tied to the banister and there were blood splatters trailing throughout the house.

It looked like a home invasion gone wrong.

Her loving family had been the target of a brutal crime.

And as police followed the blood stains, Bich Ha Pan’s dead body lay in the basement, with a point-blank bullet wound to the head.

Huei Hann Pan had also been shot in the head – but miraculously, officers found that he was still breathing.

He was immediately rushed to hospital.

‘If you do what I say, then no one will get hurt. Show me where the money is,’ Jennifer said, explaining what the intruder had told her, during a police interview.

‘I heard my parents going down the stairs and my mom was asking them for me to come with them. They wouldn’t let me come with them.’

‘The last thing I heard [the intruders] say was ‘you lied, you lied to us, you lied to us’ – and then I heard two pops,’ Jennifer insisted.

With three murderers on th

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