PlantBased Magazine
16 April 2020

Hello, Things have changed a little bit since the last time we said hello. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed daily life beyond all recognition, and I hope that all of our lovely PlantBased readers are staying safe and well. At times like this, when we can’t get out and about in the ways we are used to, it’s important to find things to do at home that keep us busy and feeling normal. Cooking is a great way to retain some sense of normality; when life was normal and you were going out to work, taking the kids to school and visiting family and friends, you still had to plan and cook meals. So we hope that this month’s issue of PlantBased will provide you with even more inspiration and give you some more ideas to get in the kitchen.You’ll have noticed that you’re reading this on a screen, and not as a printed magazine. We’ve made the decision to go paperless over the coming months, and make PlantBased available to as many people as we possibly can. Alongside this issue, you can also download our sister titles: Vegan Life, Be Kind, and OM Yoga. We hope that having access to these magazines will go some way to helping you get through this situation: delicious food, acts of kindness and community, yoga advice, and inspirational stories are all at the ends of your fingertips. In this issue of PlantBased, we’re sharing some of our favourite sandwich ideas for National Sandwich Week (17-23 May), along with some delicious cake recipes, super salads, ideas for using up beans and pulses, and some family favourites. Remember that food is a great way to make you feel good, so we’ve also got some health boosting recipes for you. Although these are dark times, I’ve been watching communities come together to support the vulnerable, and find joy in different ways. That’s what will get us through this, and out the other side. Stay safe and well.

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