PlantBased Magazine
21 May 2021
We’re approaching the halfway point of the year, and I’m starting to look forward to the long hazy, lazy days of summer (although you should know that there are very few lazy days when you have a magazine to put together!). I try to appreciate each season for what it has to offer; spring for its feeling of new beginnings, summer for its long, hot days and time spent outside, autumn for those unique smells of nature, and winter for the chance to snuggle up with a blanket and a book. We’re welcoming summer this month, as the solstice brings with it the year’s longest day on 21st June, and I’m excited for everything that’s ahead of us. In this month’s issue, we have such a great selection of recipes to share with you. Reducing our meat consumption is one of the most positive things we as humans can do for our planet, so we’ve got a selection of 12 fantastic meat replacement recipes. Tofu, tempeh, aubergine, cauliflower, mushrooms – it’s all there. Let’s not pretend ice cream isn’t something we can enjoy all year round, but there’s something special about a cold ice lolly on a hot summer’s day. We particularly love the raspberry popsicles from our cover – try them out and let us know how you get on. We’re also discovering some incredible ways to use that miracle ingredient: aquafaba – always save the liquid from your chickpeas, because you can make magic from it! And rounding it off, we have some healthy dinner inspiration, and some homemade bread ideas. We love to share these recipes with you each and every month, and it’s always a thrill to see your versions of them! Tag us on Instagram (@plantbasedmag) and let us know what you’re up to in the kitchen this month.
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