Fingers on buzzers

2 min read


An expert guide to getting the most from a massage gun


MASSAGE GUNS are all the rage, but do you know how to get the most from yours? Lorna Sams is a researcher with the Open University whose work focuses on massage guns. RW caught up with her to talk good vibrations.

What’s the theory?

Massage guns deliver rapid pulses through the muscle. By doing so, they promote an increase in metabolic activity in the muscles, including a boost in temperature and blood flow. They’ve also been reported to reduce muscle stiffness, leading to increased flexibility.

How do I use one?

Guide the gun over the belly of your muscle or your tendons, using tolerable pressure and avoiding bony bits of your body, such as elbows and knees. In Sams’ latest study, the protocol that worked best for lowerbody muscles was using the gun three times a week, with at least 24 hours’ rest between, and increasing the speed over the week – slow, medium then fast. Aim for one minute on each muscle group: glutes, quads, calves and hamstrings. Do four minutes per leg.

Which attachment do I use?

The bigger, more ball-shaped attachments are for your bigger muscles: quads, hamstrings, calves and glutes. ‘For the smaller muscles – biceps, shoulders – you might want to go for one of the smaller attachments’, says Sams. The very small, hard ones, shaped like a finger, can help to release knots or pressure points.

What’s its USP?

First, a gun can reach areas that a foam roller can’t. Second, it’s something you self-administer. ‘Some people don’t like a manual massage, as they might not be comfortable with people touching them, so it gives them access to a massage technique that they’re comfortable with,’ explains Sams. ‘People have reported feeling “buzzing” or “ene

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