Shake it off!

2 min read

Feeling full of stress and tension? A new healing modality could work wonders on your body and mind.

WHEN YOU think about stressreduction techniques what springs to mind? Mindfulness? Meditation? Plenty of self-care techniques focus on the mind, but being more grounded in your body is also a great way of releasing mental tension and anxiety. In fact, we can take a leaf out of the animal kingdom’s book when it comes to releasing stress. Look to nature and you’ll see how many animals’ innate reaction to stress is to literally shake it off. Just think of ducks after they’ve had a fracas – they stand up tall and shake their wings. And while a run, dance class, punching some cushions or even just shaking out your arms and legs can help you work off any stress, there’s a new movement practice on the block that’s helping people in a more subtle way, while harnessing the benefits of shaking.

Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises, or TRE for short, is a somatic modality that can help your body release deep muscular tension while calming your nervous system.


‘It is simple yet very powerful and is ideal for stress relief, as well as preventing or healing stress-related health issues such as tension headaches and migraines, back pain, teeth grinding, gastrointestinal issues and anxiety, while helping you gain more calmness and resilience,’ says Sylvia Tillmann, certified TRE practitioner (, who says another name for this shaking is “tremoring”.


David Berceli, PhD, created TRE in the late 1990s after he observed that in a war zone situation, children would tremor, but adults w

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