6 tips to improve your diet

1 min read


Try Rob’s six tips when cutting down on ultra-processed foods.

1 LOOK IN YOUR CUPBOARDS Take a good look at what you eat and what is in your kitchen cupboards so you can see what your intake of UPFs is to begin with. From here you can start to plan your strategy.

2 HAVE BACK UPS Determine your weakest point during the day when you would often rely on a UPF to get you through. This could be your work lunch, when you feed the kids, or when you come in from work and can’t face cooking. I would try to work on this part of the day first.

3 MAKE HOMEMADE VERSIONS Look at some of the UPF meals you have on a regular basis and think about making your own homemade versions. Start with a couple of recipes and try batch cooking them to keep some set aside for convenience and cost saving, as cooking from scratch can be more expensive in some cases. This might be a homemade pot noodle, fishcakes, or curry instead of a ready meal or takeaway.

4 CHECK SAUCES Have a look at some of the condiments or sauces you eat on a regular basis. You can try to make a few of these. Even if it is just one to begin with so you get into the habit of making this one instead of buying it. It could be to

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