Meet the type 1 dream team!

2 min read

On the retreat were Dr Lake’s team of “T1D ninjas”, some of the most brilliant and inspiring people I have ever met. The advice they shared pierced my heart and soul, and the impact they have had on my life will stay with me forever…


Jane was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age seven. She shares inspiring insight into how she has managed the psychological impact and is acutely aware of the day-to-day and long-term harms of the disease, par ticularly in relation to diabetic retinopathy, which she now has and is taking all the necessar y steps to save her eyesight. Since adopting a keto lifestyle, she now has a HbA1c of 36 and is a champion of life, love and the T1D cause.



Emma was diagnosed with type 1 age 17, having experienced rapid weight loss, frequent urination and extreme thirst. After years on a blood-sugar rollercoaster, she began a low-carb lifestyle, which helped eliminate blurry vision, increase her energy and mental clarity, and resume her regular periods. An author, cook and founder of The Low Carb Kitchen, Emma shares nourishing recipes, stories and lifestyle tips. The Low Carb Diabetes Cookbook came out in 2018, filled with 100 blood-sugar-friendly recipes, and the bread recipe from her recent e-book, The Low Carb Baking Bible, has been a game-changer for me.

Find out more about Emma at


Jon (above right with Dr Ian Lake) is a competitive cyclist and has competed in 24-hour Time Trial Championships on a national level. After his diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in 2019, he turned to a ketogenic lifestyle, fuelled by protein and healthy fats, instead of the carbs he used to eat to fuel him for a race. Jon is a public health ambassador and qualified coach.


Sleep is such an integral part of fat burning and there are lots of things we can do to improve it. We know a lot of what to do already, but the sleep experts on this retreat shared a much deeper level of insight into how to regulate our circadian rhythms, and explained the

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