Beat your sugar cravings

3 min read

Addicted to the sweet stuff? We show you how to get it under control

Can’t resist sugar-laden cocktails? Use the warm weather as the perfect excuse to indulge in an ice cream or two? You’re not alone – more than 20%* of Brits say their sweet tooth is their biggest weakness. And, with summer upon us, those temptations aren’t going anywhere fast. But it’s not just your bikini body that will suffer – sugar also puts you at higher risk of serious conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Take our quiz to find out what’s fuelling your sugar habits – and how to take back control.



Grab a pen and tick the answers that best apply to you…

1The hardest thing about quitting sugar is…

AThe cravings.

BMy friends always say ‘yes’ to dessert.

CControlling myself – one bite and I need the
whole thing.

I feel like I’m missing out on life’s pleasures.

2You’re at the hotel buffet choosing pudding. You…

APile your plate with a selection of cakes, of course!

Get a bit of everything to share with others.

CHave a little of what you fancy – then go back for more.

D Like the look of what everyone else is having, so have the same.

3You’re on a long car journey and fancy a snack. Do you?AStop at a service station and grab the first thing you see – usually a chocolate bar.

B Dig out the pre-packed sharing bags of Maltesers for the whole family.

COpen a packet of biscuits and demolish the lot in one sitting.

Help the kids eat their chewy sweets.

4You’re shopping for a family picnic. You…

AHead for the confectionery – you’ve loaded up with ice packs for chocolate treats.

B Grab several sharing punnets of cakes, doughnuts and sweets.

CPinch one of the brownies while packing up – and before you know it they’re all gone!

D Get distracted on your way to the fruit aisle by the two-for-one offer on tubs of sweets.

5What’s your favourite tipple?

AWhatever I fancy in the moment.

BCocktails with friends.

CNot fussed – but I won’t stop at just one!

DWhatever everyone else is drinking.


Look at how you score and discover the tips and tricks to reduce your sugar intake. If you find you have equal results for more than one category, take advice from both.


You’re impulsive