Say yes to exercise!

7 min read

Regular physical activity is a surefire way to establish healthier long-term habits. So here’s your definitive guide to dodging those little voices that try to keep you on the sofa. No more excuses – you’ve got this!

Compiled by Rebecca Denne

‘Everything hurts!’


If you’re prone to joint aches and pains, high-impact workouts are probably the last thing you’ll want to do. Why not try water-based exercises, such as swimming or aqua aerobics instead? The water acts as a cushion, supporting the weight of your body and putting very little pressure on the joints; this is why hydrotherapy is often used to rehabilitate injured athletes and those suffering from joint problems.

‘You can move your tendons, joints and ligaments without impact when you’re swimming, as there’s no jolting or jumping,’ says Xavier Williams, honorary water polo secretary of Otter Swimming Club in London. Swimming for 20-30 minutes provides an excellent, calorie-burning aerobic workout, and will also help tone your body and strengthen your muscles.

GET STARTED… If you can swim a few lengths but still lack confidence in the water, take your time. Start slow and do one lap, then take a short rest before moving on to the next when you feel ready. See how many laps you can complete in 30 minutes. Try to build up to completing two non-stop laps, then three, until you can continuously swim slowly for 30 minutes.

And remember, it’s not about being perfect. ‘Be open-minded,’ says Ian Cross, director of the Swimming Without Stress school. ‘When you’re learning, don’t give yourself targets that are too specific. The important part is getting used to the water and learning to relax in it.’

‘I just don’t have time to exercise’


If you feel like you’re constantly juggling work, kids and catch-ups with friends, we hear you. It’s hard to make time for everything – but the good news is you can get an effective workout in less than 10 minutes! High-intensity interval training (HIIT) uses short bursts of vigorous effort to make those minutes count. That’s why HIIT workouts have become the go-to fitness staple for so many. They’re hard work, but they’re quick and you can do them anywhere. Better still, you don’t need special kit – you use your own body weight as resistance.

The benefits don’t end there. According to a study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, HIIT is more efficient than moderate-intensity continuous t

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