The cat well-being study

8 min read

There are so many feline diets available, but what is it essential that we provide?

Cats can enjoy treats but remember to count them in your cat’s daily ration.

What does a cat need in their diet?

Feeding your cat is probably the most important thing you can do for its health and happiness, and they can be tricky customers!

First of all, it’s important to understand that they have very different nutritional needs to humans — and other pets. A cat requires a whopping 41 essential nutrients to meet its nutritional needs, that’s more than dogs who require 37.

Cats have more complex requirements because some of the enzymes in their body work more slowly or differently to other animal species and this is reflected in adaptations in their protein and carbohydrate metabolism. For example, cats need more protein in their diet than dogs because they have a limited ability to control the rate at which some of their nitrogen-processing enzymes work. When protein intake is low, they cannot reduce its rate of breakdown, and therefore need a constant supply in their diet.

Cats also need more amino acids (individual building blocks of protein) than dogs. An important amino acid for cats is taurine which is needed for eyesight, heart function, bile formation, and reproduction in female cats. Cats are not able to make enough taurine themselves and rely on it being provided in food. Nearly all taurine comes from meat, poultry, or shellfish so cats should not be fed as vegetarians. Cats are classified as obligate carnivores, which is critical when selecting the most appropriate food for them.

Pet food manufacturers are experts at carefully meeting these nutrient requirements by blending a mixture of ingredients including meat and fish, vegetables, cereals, vitamins, and minerals to produce tasty balanced food that meets the nutritional needs of cats.


Manufacturers produce cat food in line with FEDIAF (the European Pet Food body representing the industry) Nutritional Guidelines. These guidelines are reviewed regularly by independent nutrition experts throughout Europe and are regarded as gold standard recommendations for manufacturing pet foods. All UK Pet Food members sign an annual contract committing to adhere to this guidance.

What types of cat food are available?

Walking down the pet food aisle can be a bewildering experience! From organic to raw pet food, there is no shortage of choice. Our members produce an array of varieties for good reason — every pet is different and there is something to meet all needs

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