An age old issue

13 min read



Dealing with the menopause, or its precursor perimenopause, is tough for most women, but add in horses and the low moods, anxiety, weight gain and other changes that can accompany this time of life and it can prove excessively challenging. In the first of a new series, health and fitness coach Frankie Clutterbuck explains how a holistic approach may help


Taking aholistic approach to rider health and fitness during perimenopauseand menopause can help to reduce symptoms

SALLY IS A career high flyer who is fazed by nothing in her working world, but for several months the once keen and regular rider could no longer bring herself to climb into the saddle. She had put on weight, she no longer exercised and, as a consequence, she had stopped feeling healthy. Life held few joys and her confidence was at rock bottom, so she made excuses not to hack out.

Sally’s story is real, although her name has been changed. In fact, Sally was suffering from symptoms caused by the menopause, but she is now getting help for her issues. Sally is one of the lucky ones. Many women, equestrians included, or perhaps especially equestrians for they are renowned for their stoicism, all too often suffer in silence, or think that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the only option.

Fortunately, the usually taboo subjects of menopause and its precursor, perimenopause, have hit the headlines in the last couple of years, first and foremost due to the sterling efforts of TV presenter Davina McCall, now also a menopausal campaigner. Other celebrities, including Liz Earle, Gillian Anderson and Michelle Obama, have spoken out, too, as has Gabby Logan, who hosts a podcast called The Mid Point.

Healing from the inside

Taking a holistic approach to rider health and fitness during perimenopause and menopause can significantly reduce symptoms. Appropriate weaks made to nutrition, sleep routine, exercise, mindset and the introduction of supplements and/or hormone support can lead to women feeling more energised and connected, and hence a love of all things equestrian can be kept alight.

Women going through perimenopause and menopause benefit from a greater understanding as with this comes a feeling of liberation and empowerment. This process, though