Cook up a feast!

8 min read

From your Christmas dinner to New Year canapés and cocktails, we’ve got you covered with these delicious recipes from our favourite stars and chefs

MAIN Fliss Freeborn’s stuffed seasonal squashes


● 2 small squashes or pumpkins

● 2 medium onions

●Olive oil

● 1 tsp dried rosemary

● 1 tsp thyme

● 1 tsp dried sage

● 400g mushrooms

● 250g packet of pre-cooked grains or one tin of green lentils, drained

● A glug of white wine (about 75ml), or 60ml water

● 1 tbsp of vinegar

● Salt and freshly ground pepper

Start by preparing the squash. Make a lid with a knife and scrape out the centre and sides. Pierce the squash skins a little, then pop them both in the microwave for 15 minutes, without their lids. If they don’t fit in side by side, do them one at a time, for 8minutes each. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Meanwhile, finely chop your onions and fry in a good couple of tablespoons of olive oil, along with a pinch of salt, black pepper and the dried herbs, over a medium heat. Meanwhile, chop your mushrooms into roughly 1cm cubes. When the onions are soft, add another glug of olive oil and tip in your mushrooms. Keep cooking until the mushrooms have got some colour on them; this should take around 15 minutes. Tip in your grains or lentils, then add the wine or vinegar water and a splash of boiling water if it’s all looking a bit dry. Cook for 5–8 minutes to heat everything through, then taste for seasoning. Next, pull your squashes out of the microwave (careful, they’re hot!) and place on a baking tray, then spoon in the filling. Pop the lids on, then bake for half an hour, or until the flesh of the squash is tender to the point of a knife. Serve.

Extracted from Do Yourself AFlavour by Fliss Freeborn (Ebury Press, £17.99).

Photography: Luke Albert



● 1 x 5kg (just under 12lbs) bronze turkey, with giblets and the wishbone removed

●Your favourite stuffing mix

● 2 large carrots, peeled

● 2 large onions, peeled

● 6 sticks of celery

● 1 leek

● 2 bay leaves

1 /2 bottle dry white wine

● 2 pints cold water

● 2 chicken stock cubes (optionally gluten-free cubes)

●Salt and freshly ground black pepper

● 55g melted butte