What are some simple plyometric exercises that are worth trying?

2 min read




Plyometric exercises work on the elastic properties of muscles and tendons by using fast, powerful movements that have an eccentric (lengthening) muscle contraction followed by a concentric (shortening) muscle contraction. If introduced sensibly, they can improve muscle strength, power, coordination and conditioning, which, in turn, can boost your running economy and speed.

But be cautious when starting with plyometrics, as they’re high-impact moves that can increase injury risk. Introduce them gradually and avoid plyometrics the day before or after a tough running session. And make sure you’re well warmed up, too. Get started with these do one set of five to 10 reps of each to begin with, then progress to two sets when you feel ready.

1/ Jump squat Start in a squat position, then jump straight up. When you land, go back into a squat and jump back up again quickly, in one move.

2/ Single-leg hop Balance on one leg and hop into the air, moving forwards and landing on a slightly bent knee. Aim for good height and distance, and short ground contact time.

3/ Drop jump Squat down and jump on to a box, then gently jump back down with knees bent. Use a smaller height of box to begin with.

4/ Alternate leg bounding Move forwards with exaggerated running strides. Push off with your front leg and drive the other knee up and through, focusing on quick ground contact time and powerful movements.

Jo’s tip: Train your mind

If you’re finding yourself on the losing side of a mid-run mental battle, try using positive self-talk or a mantra to push through. Break your run distance into manageable chunks or use landmarks to aim for. Focus on keeping your breathing relaxed and maintaining good form. You could even try listening to motivational podcasts. And remember how proud you feel when you get back from a tough run having hit your pace and/or mileage targets.

I’m marathon training, but

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