Liz Earle Wellbeing Magazine
4 March 2020

This springtime edition is full of fresh ideas to feel well and look your fabulous best. We look at the many myths surrounding the contraceptive pill and uncover some hidden truths. There’s also an in-depth feature on the rising risk of anaemia and why younger women are especially at risk. You’ll also discover how to stop jaw tension and teeth-grinding and whether skipping may be the secret to fitness. For nutritious recipe inspiration, there’s some simply delicious and healthy Italian suppers to enjoy and two divine dark chocolate treats that all the family can devour this Easter. On the travel front, we’ve included an enticing Italian spa special, plus a trip of a lifetime to see the cherry blossoms in Japan. Closer to home, we’ve got the best UK spring walks and eco-friendly homemade products for sparkling spring cleaning.

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